Stockbrokers Botswana suspended & the CSD webinar

Aftermath of the webinar

Good evening, here’s what you need to know;

Opening a CSD account webinar

Friday we had a webinar for those who hadn’t yet opened a CSD account, if you want to watch it, here.

The main objectives was to cover everything needed to open an account. So if you missed it, you can click that link.

Also one of my subscribers has a WhatsApp channel, I recommend you to follow, she will be covering financial tips and investing, so make sure you follow it

StockBrokers Botswana suspended from BSE membership

Another issue we need to address is that Stockbrokers Botswana have been suspended by BSE for 3 months because they didn’t comply with BSE membership rules. This was on Friday and released in the evening, I sent them an email asking specifically what rule Stockbrokers Botswana broke and how that would affect everyone who bought shares with them, including myself, I haven’t heard from them but I expect a reply tomorrow.

So if you were planning to buy shares through them, it’s best you use other brokers in the meantime till this issue is resolved. So As soon as I am told what happened I will be updating you.

Have a good evening!